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Backing up your data can be such a trivially easy affair that you don’t have an excuse for putting it off—and risking your data in the process. Today we look at the and how you can use it for free remote backups.

备份数据是一件容易的事,您没有借口推迟发布数据并在此过程中冒险数据。 今天,我们看一下以及如何将其用于免费的远程备份。

A good backup solution is simple to use, creates multiple copies of your data (including offsite versions), and is inexpensive enough that you’ll continue to pay for it. CrashPlan offers a free and cross-platform solution that makes it so easy to backup your data both locally and remotely that it’s criminal not to.

一个好的备份解决方案易于使用,可以创建数据的多个副本(包括异地版本),而且价格便宜,足以让您继续为此付费。 CrashPlan提供了一个免费的跨平台解决方案,可以轻松地在本地和远程备份数据,这是不合法的。

CrashPlan:基础知识 (CrashPlan: The Basics)

What is CrashPlan? You’re likely familiar with online backup services like Mozy and . You install an application on your computer, buy an account with the cloud-based backup provider, and then it uploads your files for safe keeping. CrashPlan is like Mozy/Carbonite on steroids. Instead of limiting you to simple cloud-based storage, CrashPlan offers a multi-tier backup strategy that includes the following:

什么是CrashPlan? 您可能熟悉Mozy和等在线备份服务。 您在计算机上安装了一个应用程序,并向基于云的备份提供程序购买了一个帐户,然后该文件上传了文件以便安全保存。 CrashPlan就像类固醇上的Mozy / Carbonite。 CrashPlan提供了包括以下内容的多层备份策略,而不是将您限制在基于云的简单存储中:

  • Cloud-based storage (for pay, but very reasonably priced)


  • Remote storage (friend-to-friend backups)

  • Local network backup (backup to home server or NAS unit)

  • Folder backup (backup to secondary or external hard drive)


If you simply use the CrashPlan software without a CrashPlan account you can backup your data to a secondary drive on your computer, another computer on your home network, and to your friend’s/brother’s/mom’s computer all for free—don’t worry the data is encrypted via the Blowfish algorithm. Want to add cloud-based storage into that? You can backup 2-10 computers for a mere $10 a month with unlimited storage—it’s an outrageous bargain compared to other cloud-based storage solutions.

如果您只使用CrashPlan软件而没有CrashPlan帐户,则可以免费将数据备份到计算机上的辅助驱动器,家庭网络中的另一台计算机以及朋友/兄弟/妈妈的计算机上,完全免费-不用担心数据通过Blowfish算法加密。 是否要在其中添加基于云的存储? 您可以每月仅$ 10的价格备份2-10台计算机,并提供无限的存储空间,与其他基于云的存储解决方案相比,这是一笔很低的价格。

For this tutorial we’re going to focus on using your friend’s computer for remote storage; even if you intend to use CrashPlan for local/network backups reading through the guide will give you a solid look at CrashPlan and the menu system.

在本教程中,我们将重点介绍如何使用您朋友的计算机进行远程存储。 即使您打算将CrashPlan用于本地/网络备份,通读该指南也会使您对CrashPlan和菜单系统有更深入的了解。

入门:您需要什么并安装CrashPlan (Getting Started: What You’ll Need and Installing CrashPlan)


For this guide you’ll need the following things:


  • A for Windows, Linux, or Mac.


  • A free CrashPlan account.

  • A friend/relative with a broadband connection and a copy of CrashPlan


Again, we’re focusing on using your friend’s computer as a remote backup location. If you lack for a friend willing to share some hard drive space and/or their broadband connection you can easily follow this tutorial to do the backing up over the local network.

同样,我们专注于使用您朋友的计算机作为远程备份位置。 如果您缺少愿意共享一些硬盘空间和/或宽带连接的朋友,则可以轻松地按照本教程进行本地网络备份。

Installing CrashPlan is straight forward. , run the installation file, select a location, and install. When you run CrashPlan for the first time after installation it will prompt you to create an account. That too is a simple process, simply plug in your name, email, and create a strong password. When you’re done with the process you’ll be greeted with the CrashPlan interface, like so:

直接安装CrashPlan。 ,运行安装文件,选择一个位置,然后安装。 安装后首次运行CrashPlan时,它将提示您创建一个帐户。 这也是一个简单的过程,只需插入您的姓名,电子邮件并创建一个强密码。 完成该过程后,您将获得CrashPlan界面的欢迎,如下所示:


It might seem a bit sluggish for the first minute or so as it scans for files. By default it check your user directory and indexes the files there. You can easily subtract or add drives/folders to your backup. For this guide we’re going to cut down on the size of the backup considerably so we don’t have to wait for all 16.2 GB in our user folder to seed. The size of your remote backup is limited only by your broadband speed and the space your friend is willing to share.

扫描文件的第一分钟似乎有点呆滞。 默认情况下,它检查您的用户目录并在其中索引文件。 您可以轻松地在备份中减去或添加驱动器/文件夹。 对于本指南,我们将大大减少备份的大小,因此我们不必等待用户文件夹中的所有16.2 GB种子。 远程备份的大小仅受宽带速度和朋友愿意共享的空间限制。

配置备份 (Configuring Your Backup)


Depending on how large the original sweep was you may want to reconfigure the size of your backup before dumping it to your friend’s computer. Look at the bottom of the interface in the Files section and click Change. There you’ll find a directory list with your entire User directory checked. If your backup size is reasonable you can leave it as is. If it captured a lot of bulky directories (like your entire MP3 collection for instance) you might want to opt to locally backup your music instead of chewing up the time and bandwidth transferring it all to your friend’s computer. As we mentioned above, we opted to reduce the number of files for our tutorial in order to avoid a lengthy seed time.

根据原始扫描的大小,您可能需要在将备份转储到朋友的计算机之前重新配置备份的大小。 在“文件”部分的界面底部,然后单击“更改” 。 您会在其中找到一个目录列表,其中选中了整个用户目录。 如果您的备份大小合理,则可以保留原样。 如果它捕获了很多庞大的目录(例如整个MP3集合),则您可能希望选择本地备份音乐,而不是浪费时间和带宽将其全部传输到朋友的计算机上。 如上所述,我们选择减少本教程的文件数,以避免冗长的种子时间。

Once you’ve selected the folders you want included in your backup, click on the Friend link in the Destinations section. You’ll see this in the lower section of the screen:

选择了要包含在备份中的文件夹后,单击“目标”部分中的朋友”链接。 您将在屏幕下部看到它:


Here you can get your backup code (to share with a friend who wants to backup to your computer) or plug in the code they’ve sent you. We’ll presume that you’ve already cleared this backup-sharing plan with your friend or relative and have their code on hand (and thus can skip the invitation step).

在这里,您可以获取备份代码(与想备份到您的计算机的朋友共享)或插入他们发送给您的代码。 我们假定您已经与您的朋友或亲戚清除了此备份共享计划,并准备好了他们的代码(因此可以跳过邀请步骤)。

With the code in hand, plug it into the Enter friend’s backup code slot and click start backup. It will immediately start backing up the files if your friend is online. When it’s done you’ll see a screen like this one:

手持代码,将其插入“输入朋友的备份代码”插槽,然后单击“开始备份”。 如果您的朋友在线,它将立即开始备份文件。 完成后,您将看到如下屏幕:


Your files are now stored on the remote machine, a veritable Poor Man’s Cloud Storage. It’s worth noting here that if your total backup size is small (say, a few GBs of documents and photos) it’s worth it  to set up this arrangement with multiple friends. You’ll backup their documents and in turn you’ll be able to spread your documents and such across even more remote locations.

您的文件现在存储在远程计算机上,这是一个名副其实的“穷人云存储”。 在这里值得注意的是,如果您的总备份大小很小(例如,几GB的文档和照片),则值得与多个朋友进行这种安排。 你会备份自己的文件,并反过来,你就可以分散你的文件,这样的跨越,甚至偏远地方。

高级配置和备份集 (Advanced Configuration and Backup Sets)


CrashPlan is astoundingly simple to set up, as we saw in the above tutorial steps (in a mere handful of mouse clicks you can set up a remote backup). There are a few things you’re going to want to tweak, however, to take full advantage of the application.

正如我们在上面的教程步骤中看到的那样,CrashPlan的设置非常简单(只需单击几下鼠标,您就可以设置远程备份)。 为了充分利用该应用程序,您需要进行一些调整。

The first thing you’ll want to customize are the Backup Sets. Click on Settings –> Backup Sets. Here you’ll see the original backup set you created, labeled Default. The Backup Sets feature allows you to create individual backup sets for different scenarios. You can create a backup set that is just your critical documents to backup to a friend’s computer who doesn’t have much room to spare, a more generous set for another friend who has a home server with ample space, and yet another (and more complete set) for backup to your local USB drive. Each Backup Set can be independently configured and assigned to your unique backup locations.

您要自定义的第一件事是备份集。 单击设置–>备份集。 在这里,您会看到创建的原始备份集,标记为默认。 备份集功能使您可以为不同方案创建单独的备份集。 您可以创建一个备份集,该备份集是您的关键文档,可以备份到没有足够空间的朋友的计算机上,而对于另一个拥有家庭服务器且具有足够空间的朋友来说,备份集则更为慷慨,另外一个(还有更多)全套)备份到本地USB驱动器。 每个备份集都可以独立配置并分配给您的唯一备份位置。

In addition to configuring your backup sets you’ll also want to head over to Settings –> Network. The default settings for transfer speeds may be a bit weak for your taste. The software tends to error on the conservative side. If you’re running backups up at night without any other apps competing for bandwidth you’ll likely want to raise the upload speeds.

除了配置备份集之外,您还需要转到Settings-> Network 。 传输速度的默认设置可能有点不适合您的口味。 该软件倾向于在保守方面出错。 如果您在夜间运行备份而没有其他任何应用程序争用带宽,则您可能希望提高上传速度。

Finally, if you’re hosting backups for a friend you’ll want to put the backups on the most suitable drive. By default the backups are stored on the disk you installed the application to. You can change this by going to Settings –> General –> Configure, and switching the Default backup archive location at the bottom of the Inbound Backup Settings menu. This is definitely a step worth sharing with your friends so they can pick an optimal drive to store the backups you’re sending their way.

最后,如果您为朋友托管备份,则需要将备份放在最合适的驱动器上。 默认情况下,备份存储在您将应用程序安装到的磁盘上。 您可以通过以下方法更改此设置:转到“设置”->“常规”->“配置” ,然后在“入站备份设置”菜单底部切换“默认备份存档位置”。 这绝对是值得与您的朋友共享的一步,因此他们可以选择最佳的驱动器来存储您要发送的备份。

CrashPlan is a robust program and after following this tutorial you’ll have at least one, if not multiple, remote backups. If you take full advantage of the CrashPlan software and subscription service you’ll have redundant local backups, remote backups at your friends’ houses, and backups in the CrashPlan cloud. If that doesn’t help you sleep easy knowing your data is secure, we’re not sure anything would.

CrashPlan是一个功能强大的程序,按照本教程操作后,您将至少拥有一个(如果不是多个的话)远程备份。 如果您充分利用CrashPlan软件和订阅服务,您将拥有冗余的本地备份,朋友家中的远程备份以及CrashPlan云中的备份。 如果知道数据是安全的,这仍不能帮助您轻松入睡,那么我们不确定会发生什么。



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